Monday, June 11, 2012

Just a coincidence.....


  1. this website has lost, lost, lost his aura. SAD!

  2. I Agree, to all moderators thx for everything and good luck in live, RIP HQ HIPHOP.

  3. You think we care? Everyone else left. i'm just posting anything hiphop related to keep it going and will be doing mixes again soon. DJ's stopped sending in mixes so dont come back, really, i dont give a shit.

  4. Everyone left because the chatbox is down. It was fun to talk with each other, please don't think you're cool: droppin some wack ass KIller Mike shit. Whitout El-P his album sucked big time. If you don't keep it alive in some way, people leave, you would do the same. So stop bullshittin'!

    1. Youre such a fuckin loser raff. Oh, and El-P produced that entire album, he was even in the video.

  5. Damn, just re-new the site!

    I'll rip my albums and send links!

    There still are a few sites that bring flax to the scene!

    Bring this one back!

  6. I agree...don't let a good thing die! I am also a flac collector, i purchase cd's online every month, mostly very rare funk and out of print oldies..I would chip in also..

  7. Make your own site if you want, you dont need us for that

  8. So KS you're still alive, you have to admit, it's pretty death over here
